


Recently we had a chat with four lovely ladies; Kathryn, Becky, Christina and Melissa. Find out about their experiences planning a wedding, hear some of their treasured memories and be inspired by their thoughts on marriage.

Tell us a bit about where you got married, can you describe the venue to us?

Becky: Coffs Harbour, NSW. The venue was a private property with plenty of acreage and gardens. There were golden gems around every corner of the property from the wooden cross to a huge fiddle-leaf fig tree. The empty canvas accompanied with the natural beauty attracted us to this property and we couldn’t wait to inject some of our style (soft elegance) amongst the raw materials.

Kathryn: In Somerset, England in a manor house called St Audries. My husband is from the UK and my family is in New York and Australia so this seemed most central. And we loved the idea of everyone staying over to celebrate into the night (there were 28 rooms for all our guests to have a sleepover).

Did you go on a honeymoon? If so, where did you go and what were your favourite memories?

Melissa: Yes, we went to Hamilton Island. My favourite memory was actually just after we had gone snorkelling along the Great Barrier Reef and came back to our bungalow & fell asleep in the hammock. When I woke up I felt so relaxed and we sat on the decking having dinner whilst the rain set in. It was one of those relaxing balmy nights which we both love.

Becky: Yes! We travelled around Bali for 2 weeks. Our favourite memories are in the simple things - waking up next to each other in a private villa, sipping local coconut coffee and riding sketchy scooters down narrow allys to find hidden gems


What would be your number one tip for bride’s to be when planning their wedding?

Kathryn: Stay calm! It really is just one day and the things that go wrong will eventually make you laugh one day. Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves and try to soak it in because it goes in a blink!

Christina: Have a diary or a wedding planner. Note all the suppliers you’ve made contact with and who you are waiting to hear back from. It’s great to write down all the quotes you get back and have it in one spot. 

What advice would you give to a bride to de-stress in the days leading up to the wedding?

Melissa: For me it was going for long runs along the beach which always helps me sleep despite any nerves. Also doing a call around to anyone involved in the setting up for the day to confirm arrival times and details. This can put your mind at ease knowing everyone is ready and prepared. Lastly, just decide to let go & just enjoy the lead up & just go with the flow even if there are little slip ups.

Christina: My saviour was my bridesmaids and my family. When you have a lot of love surrounding you everyone chips in and helps to make things run smoothly. Also....a timetable! Write a timetable/running sheet, go through it with everyone and give everyone a copy before the big day. Once you know what you are going to expect that’s a big weight off your shoulders.

What do you love about being married?

Becky: Doing the every day with your best friend, dreaming together, working hard together and knowing they will always be a constant in your life no matter what challenges come.

Christina: That you have someone you can share your whole life with, someone that you can count on, someone that you can give all your love to, someone that can listen to you and someone that can make you smile everyday.

What do you think are the most important things a couple can bring into their marriage?

Becky: Open communication, honesty and a whole lot of fun loving!

Kathryn: No baggage - deal with that stuff early and let it go. Bring in all the hope you have on the wedding day and try to go back there when you hit hard times. Kindness - always!

Melissa: Communication is key. Be clear on what your expectations & roles are beforehand i.e who is responsible for the cleaning, gardening etc. Always set aside time for a regular date night or day on a weekly basis so you have time to talk about your week without interruptions or distractions. Be flexible & willing to negotiate. Remember you are working together as a team which means sometimes changing your expectations, being flexible & humble.

Christina: Honesty. Compromise.  Understanding.
